Glynne James
Glynne James was born and raised in Hertfordshire where he started painting and exhibiting his work. Glynne James moved to Lincolnshire in 1974 with his wife Carol and started to develop his own unique style depicting the ever-changing and fascinating fenland landscape.
“The temporal approach is the essence of Glynne’s work and results in highly stylised canvases, each painting approaches the landscape in terms of its changes, not as individual paintings but upon the same canvas, strips of fenland character displayed as a coherent whole. On occasions the adjacent strips are subtly differentiated, as if moving from one minute’s observation to the next, on others, the changes are sudden and startling; a field of wheat becomes a sea of plastic, a distant shape becomes a blazingly lit power station. Landscape which may appear featureless to the casual observer is presented with its components highlighted.
These then are not landscapes in the comfortable Constable sense. They still address the age-old relationship between artist and the natural world but it is evident that the 21st century is upon us, be it in the growing of new crops, the threat of climate change or the understated march of machinery.